Friday, July 8, 2011

Still pregnant and there is still a fox!

Well, man it has been only 38 weeks but it feels like an eternity. You should still be pregnant at 38 weeks but I have to admit, I would really love to go into labor right now. I am scheduled for a July 15th C-section so he will be here no later then that. One week, little guy, one week!

Oh and apparently the fox is still here. Two nights ago, Nelly was in the back yard in the middle of the night barking and sure enough we could here the fox doing its snarl/bark noise. Dang it, we thought that thing was gone. Well, off to the store to get some moth balls and ammonia.

I will get pics of the new baby up once he is here. Adrienne is in for such a rude awakening!!!!!


  1. I have been thinking about you a lot. I know that this week will be the hardest and the easiest, since it is the end!! Your last weekend as your little family of three!!

  2. 38 weeks!! I KNOW you are ready for this baby.. My mom is right the end is the worst and the best all wrapped up!! He is almost here and I just really wish I could be there to see him when he is born :(
    I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about the new little guy!!! YAY!!!

  3. Oh yeah forgot one thing


  4. FOX KILLER? The ammonia and moth balls chase away the fox, they don't kill it. The fox does not like the smell so they go somewhere else. You are a nut!
