Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Anyone know how to get rid of a fox?

So we apparently have a fox living under our deck. We knew something was under there and called our pest guy to come and take a look. He determined it was a fox and said he would be back to trap it for us. I thought, "Great, problem almost solved." Well, he called back and said that his boss would prefer if we call animal control instead. Through AC, Paul spoke to a wildlife trapper for the county and he said we had two options: We could do the following to get it to go away or he can come out and trap it for us. Oh and btw, they will euthanize it if they trap it. The ways we could get it to go away were to stick moth balls in the area and or spray with ammonia. I guess these things will make the fox move out. They think it could be a mother with cubs.

We will definitely try the moth balls and ammonia but man, I thought someone could trap it and let it go in a field. I'll pay them!!!!! I don't want the poor thing to have to die. Anyone have any ideas?


  1. Well you need a whole bunch of horses some hounds and as many English people as you can get a hold of.

    Seriously that sucks. The poor thing just needs to move not die for invading your territory. Dave found a site that said they do relocations, he's sending you the link.

  2. Oh man thats sad, a Mama and her cubs. Surely there is like a FOX rescuse in California? or a wildlife rescue organization that will do something with it?

    oh just read Dani's post, of course Dave is on it.

    Sorry Andrea!

  3. Aw I can't believe they would euthanize it instead of just let it go in the hills somewhere, the other side of highway 50 is a nice empty space...for now :(

    I hope it decides to relocate on it's own. Good luck!

  4. OH! I hope it works out for the fox family - we have one at our church under the pastors office - we hear about the fox family on Sundays - but there it is pretty quiet most of the week. Good luck!
