Thursday, November 11, 2010

More Halloween

Here are the last of the Halloween pics. Adrienne didn't end up freaking out when we put the monkey costume on her. She tolerated it at best. We went to the EDH Town Center Halloween fest on Saturday 10/30. The pumpkin costume was taken while the trick or treaters came Halloween night. She was trying to figure out why all these kids were coming to our door dressed funny asking for candy. She thought "I gotta get in on this!" Next year Baby Girl, next year. You at least need to walk before you can trick or treat. Anyone have any suggestions for that one?


  1. Anytime now. Fiona was about 15 mos I think. And it was super fast she went from not even standing up to walking just fine in like three weeks. Just keep encouraging her and she'll get it when she's ready.

  2. Luke is in WALKING BOOTCAMP for Disney.. I am holding his arms and making him take steps. But no way he can stand up on his own yet so its all for not! I guess they will walk when they want dang it. We're not carrying those kids all around the park!! LOL

  3. oh yeah super cute pics of Adrienne and I especially like the pic with your hand on Paul's butt..

  4. I hear you want them to keep crawling as long as possible because once they start walking they get into everything, so I guess you are lucky! I have to come and play with her again before she takes her first steps :)

  5. Well, I like to grab a little Paul butt when I can ;-)
