Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pretty Girl

I like to go to this website called everyday. They release something baby related each day. It is typically a pretty good deal although I am not always interested in the item they are selling. The other day they were selling these really cute skirts so I bought one. SO CUTE!!!! I had so much fun watching her crawl around in this. I was not a very girly kid, so I am so hoping my daughter will be.


  1. That skirt is ridiculous, I want one!! Luv it. She looks oh so perrtyy....

  2. Oh yeah, I bought it last Wed or Thurs and it came on Saturday (really quick.) I absolutely love it. I should have bought two more for Fiona and Sara. I guess I have some time before she will fit into one ;-)

  3. i totally go to this site often too and saw these stinkin cute skirts there :)

  4. Do they make those in adult sizes? ;)

  5. I love the shot of her heading off to parts unknown in her cute skirt. SOOO girly. Thanks for the pictures.
