Friday, May 28, 2010

Fall down and go boom!

Yesterday was an interesting day. Paul fell in the gym locker room and split his forehead open. The people at the gym helped him and he seemed fine (other than the 2 1/2 inch split in his head.) He called me to come and pick him up and we would probably need to go to Kaiser. As we left the gym Paul was talking to me and was just fine. He got quiet and as I looked over, he was falling asleep in his seat. I yelled at him that he needed to stay awake. It was then that I realized, I was not driving him the entire 30 minutes to Kaiser. There was a Fire Station right in front of us so Paul said I better pull in. I ran up to the back door and could barely get a word out (the reality of the situation caught up to me.) They were great, they took care of him, put him on a board took his vitals and called an ambulance. It was pretty scary, I must say. Luckily, the paramedics from the ambulance got there and determined that he did not need to go to a trauma unit and he could go to Kaiser. Paul is just fine. He got 7 stitches in his forehead. I was pretty worried about him but he was in good hands. Thank you to the Folsom Fire Department for helping me when I spazzed out at your station (I do not do well in panicked moments.) Love you Paul!


  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so glad Paul's okay! That would have scared the crap out of me too.

  2. Andrea, you did a great job of getting Paul what he needed when he needed it. Thanks for taking such good care of him and for keeping the family informed. Head injuries are scary. Thankfully he is OK!!!! (Unless of course he starts muttering about wanting to go the new Eclipse movie).

  3. TK-Is THAT what's wrong w Amy?

    ROFLMAO-I crack myself up. Sad very sad.

  4. OK, what is ROFLMAO?
    It was pretty scary. I could not help but think the worst when I was following the ambulance. Once he was in the hospital, it was pretty clear he was just fine. Note to all my loved probably do not want me to be the one to save your life during an emergency. I nearly freeze when I get scared. I do carry defibs in the trunk of my car, so I guess I am not the worst person to have around. I'll let all of you make the call ;-)

  5. Yikes! That is super scary. I am always afraid I am going to fall off that moving stair stepper there, so I decided I better get a little more in shape before I go on that one. Glad everything is ok. Let us know if you need anything while he's getting better.

  6. ok totally have to change your last statement to "i do well in panicked situations" since you did the right thing and stopped at the fire station
    so scary but glad everything is ok

  7. ANDREA you must have been terrified.. OMG good job pulling in the fire station, smart I would not have thought of that.. Glad he is OK. NO MORE SAUNA PAUL.

    Dani, I don't know what is wrong with me but I did have stitches SEVERAL times in my head as a child!! lol

    Andrea, I think ROFLMAO is rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Do not ask me how I know that!!
