Monday, January 9, 2012

Matty and his hats.

It is funny going from one baby who did not smile very often to a baby that will smile at the wall.  You just look at Matthew and he will smile at you.  We just coincidentally had these pictures of him in hats.  Well, you put a hat on him and he will just smile, why not take a picture?  The boy is just the cutest thing.

We had a holiday block party outside so he needed a warm hat.  Love it!

Every kid that goes to Disneyland needs a pair of ears.

This is my favorite.  It is Adrienne's "Jessie" hat, but Matthew wears it so well.


  1. Bunny bear upside down!! He looks so cute in hats. I am so glad I will get to see him soon.

  2. Oh my gosh, he is changing so much and it has only been a few weeks since I have seen you! I need to come over and play with them soon :) What a cutie.
