Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Paul and Andrea to Laurie 3:59pm on 10/31........"We will head out to a few of the neighbors houses around 6:00 ish and let Adrienne trick or treat.  We both know that she won't want to say "trick or treat" and she will throw a fit and we will head home shortly after that."
Paul and Andrea to Laurie 6:59pm on 10/31........"Well, she has loved it so much that we are hanging out at the neighbors house drinking beers and eating their food.  She is still talking about more trick or treat!"

Adrienne absolutely loved Halloween.  This was the first year that we took her trick or treating and as I stated above, we were not optimistic at first.  She ended up liking getting into her costume and we practiced the TOT part at home.  Her little friend came over and happened to have the same costume as her.  We went out with the neighbors and had a blast.  Adrienne was walking into other peoples houses and TOTing like she has been doing it for years.  Paul did these awesome pumpkins with the stencils that Dave and Dani gave to Adrienne.  Good job boy! Can't wait for next year!


  1. Glad you guys had fun, she looks adorable and I love Matty's costume, he is sooooo cute too!

  2. Adorable! What great pictures you got too. I am glad it was such a success. Both costumes are too cute for words and I bet Matthew is grateful you didn't try to fit him in one of those pumpkins ;)
