Saturday, May 7, 2011

Adrienne and the furry kids

The Sam man is getting much older and his daily pill intake seems to be increasing every month. I realized that I do not have many pictures of Adrienne and the dogs so when Adrienne was giving him hugs yesterday I needed to grab the camera. Poor Sam, he takes 32 pills a day, has congestive heart failure, hip dysplasia, is almost incontinent, has the worst gas that anyone has ever experienced and is 13 years old. He is so patient with Adrienne. Maybe because he can't move very quickly! Adrienne probably wont remember Sam so this will be a good way to help remind her of the old boy. We love you Sam, even when you poop on our floor.


  1. OHHH Sam. Hopefully you will get some pictures of little baby number 2 with SAM. Thanks for the pics.

  2. This is so heartfelt.. poor Sam 32 Pills? omg that is so much. I better give Cash a kiss right now on that note.

    Adorable Pictures.
