Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It was bound to happen sooner or later

Well, I have heard about it. Dreaded it for about a year and a half now. It happened tonight..............................Adrienne pooped in the tub. Man was it a pain in the butt (for me that is.) I called for reinforcements (Paul) and we were able to handle the matter. I really hope that is the last time. One can hope can't she?


  1. OH NO! I made the mistake of letting Luke run around without a diaper for like 3 minutes the other day and he pooped on the floor!! EEEWW!! Have not experienced the tub poop yet.. excellent, cannot wait..

  2. Aw maaaaaan sorry too hear that. Actualy both of you. I've lived throught both the tub poop( a couple times)and the poop on the floor.

    Last night we had our first poop up the back and out of the pants. It was every where. Once I got her as clean as I could with wipes I decided we were moving bath time up 'cause I just could not be convinced she was clean any other way. I came out in to the living room and told Dave "I WIN! I just had the groses poopy diaper experience Fiona has ever provided"

    They'll all be potty trained eventually and just think of the embarasing stories we're going to have to tell their prom dates.
