Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Potty training and the train museum

There is a pretty nice train musuem in Old Town Sacramento. We all went on Sunday and they have a couple of large train tables for the young ones to play with. Adrienne was so funny, she was pushing her way around with all of the kids who were much larger than she is. She didn't really want to push the trains but she liked to walk around the tables and watch all of the kids.
We also started potty training. Well, I am not sure if you can call it potty training quite yet. We bought a potty and try to put her on it often. Our goal is to make her comfortable with it and hopefully get a leg up once she can start communicating with us. So far it is going well, she goes almost every time we put her on it. This puts big smiles on her Mommy and Daddy's face! She will hate me for posting this picture of her but it is too cute, I just had to. Thank you to Grammy for the pics.

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