A little bit about a day in the life of Adrienne and Matthew.......oh and their parents too.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sex and the City 2
Just watched this movie for the first time last night. Really? The show of course was soooooo good. I even liked the first movie a lot. I never did hear much about the sequel but finally watched it.....................................Thought it sucked big time. Hopefully they will stop and let the story stop there. Am I the only one?
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas!
We had a great Christmas this year. Adrienne was a little overwhelmed by all of the gifts being put in her face (I know, poor kid) but she was a trooper. I think her favorite gift this year was the Cozy Coupe car. Santa put it right in front of the tree and she spotted it immediately. She can get in and out of it okay but needs a little time to get used to the concept of pushing herself around.
We stayed home on Christmas Eve and Pauly made lasagna. Christmas day we were off to Paul's brothers house for dinner. It was a fun time and Adrienne enjoyed hanging out with her cousins. I hope Santa was good to all of you this year!
We stayed home on Christmas Eve and Pauly made lasagna. Christmas day we were off to Paul's brothers house for dinner. It was a fun time and Adrienne enjoyed hanging out with her cousins. I hope Santa was good to all of you this year!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Here we go again!!!!

Some of you know and some of you don't but I am pregnant again. Paul and I are crazy enough to try this again and bring another chubby munchkin into the world. We had our first ultrasound today and I am 10 weeks along. My official due date is July 21st but since Adrienne was born via c-section, I will have a scheduled c-section this time around. This little one will arrive some time around July 14th or 15th. We are pretty excited and are happy to be a part of the 2011 baby extravaganza that seems to be happening in 2011. (So far I have 4 other friends/family having babies next year.) Now that only leaves one last important question...............................
What am I going to name our blog????????
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The solo traveling baby
We just thought that this picture was pretty funny. Paul was off getting coffee and I was on my way to take Adrienne into Fantasyland. I saw people taking pictures in front of the castle so I thought, "why not?" Oh solo traveling baby, how was your trip?
As most of you know we were in Disneyland last weekend. We had a lot of fun. Adrienne is not quite ready for any of the moving rides yet, but she does like Playhouse Disney. She was dancing and laughing. That kid loves her some Mickey Mouse. She does like Its a Small World but any of the other rides kind of scared her. Well kid, we will be in WDW in February so you have a couple of months to get brave and ride some rides. We thought that she would like the carousel but as soon as it got moving, she was not having it.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cutest Blog on the Block?
Where are you? My background is boring and un-festive. Your site is down and I am sad. Where oh where is the Cutest Blog on the Block?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I love Christmas!
I just had to change my background today. I really enjoy the Christmas season. The decorations, the yummy foods and the get togethers with friends and family make it the best time of year. Since I do not have any Xmas pictures of Adrienne this year I thought that I would put one from last year. It is amazing how different she looks. We couldn't even button her pants back then. She is still our chubby munchkin but she is not quite as chubby as she once was. We got a tree this weekend and it looks beautiful. It is really big, just the way it should be! Have a great holiday season and I will put some new pictures up very soon.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Potty training and the train museum
There is a pretty nice train musuem in Old Town Sacramento. We all went on Sunday and they have a couple of large train tables for the young ones to play with. Adrienne was so funny, she was pushing her way around with all of the kids who were much larger than she is. She didn't really want to push the trains but she liked to walk around the tables and watch all of the kids.
We also started potty training. Well, I am not sure if you can call it potty training quite yet. We bought a potty and try to put her on it often. Our goal is to make her comfortable with it and hopefully get a leg up once she can start communicating with us. So far it is going well, she goes almost every time we put her on it. This puts big smiles on her Mommy and Daddy's face! She will hate me for posting this picture of her but it is too cute, I just had to. Thank you to Grammy for the pics.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
More Halloween
Here are the last of the Halloween pics. Adrienne didn't end up freaking out when we put the monkey costume on her. She tolerated it at best. We went to the EDH Town Center Halloween fest on Saturday 10/30. The pumpkin costume was taken while the trick or treaters came Halloween night. She was trying to figure out why all these kids were coming to our door dressed funny asking for candy. She thought "I gotta get in on this!" Next year Baby Girl, next year. You at least need to walk before you can trick or treat. Anyone have any suggestions for that one?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Halloween costume day at daycare!
Today was costume day at Adrienne's daycare. The kids looked so cute. I originally bought her a monkey costume but she hates wearing it. Last night I went out and got the pumpkin costume so she would have something to wear at daycare. Her little lion friend is so cute.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Kenny's take Kauai
We spent last week in Kauai for Paul's B-day. It was our first time to Kauai and I have to say that it is the most beautiful of the Hawaiian islands (out of the 4 islands that we have been to.) Adrienne had so much fun, she loved swimming in the pool and at the beach. I think she will be a little fish like her Daddy. Mommy and Daddy loved sitting by the pool and ordering great drinks! We love going to Hawaii, we are already planning our next trip. Enjoy some pictures from our week.
Tidepools restaurant - Grand Hyatt
Friday, October 8, 2010
Photo Shoot
Paul, Adrienne and I recently had some photos taken in an apple orchard near Placerville. The photographer posts the pics on her site for 4 days. If any of you want to take a peek, click on the link before the end of Monday. We were really happy with them, we will have a hard time choosing which ones to get. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Lazy Days
Not a whole lot going on in our household lately. It is kind of nice when you have those days. We went to the Zac Brown Band concert last Friday and stayed at my Sister's house. She got some cute pics of the girls together so I will have to get my hands on those. We are off to Kauai in a couple of weeks, I absolutely cannot wait! I took this picture of Adrienne and Paul recently and thought it was cute.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thank You

I wanted to take a moment today to thank the U.S. military for doing all that they do to keep our lives the way they are. Not everyone gets to live the way we do and the troops of the past present and future make sure that we get to call this wonderful country home.
Thank you and come home safe!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Monterey Bay Aquarium
On a whim, we decided to take off and drive to Monterey for part of the long weekend. We stayed the night and spent the next day at the aquarium. The weather was so nice, we could not have asked for much better. The hotel was really pretty and we had a great time..............until about 10:30pm on Monday night. Adrienne woke up and decided to cry the entire night. The only way she would stop crying and sleep is if I was holding her (FYI, this kid does not cuddle. Always sleeps in her crib without a peep and do not, I REPEAT DO NOT hold her. She will not sleep in your arms any other time.) Anyway, we got terrible nights sleep and were tempted to go home early in the morning but thought we should move on and go to the aquarium since it was her birthday. She whined all morning until we got to the A. She was an angel. Until we got in the car to go home. She screamed the whole way home. We were in horrible traffic (road closed due to a fatality) and let's just say Paul and I both agree that her worst night as a newborn was easier than this. We did manage to have some fun on the trip but man oh man, we heard more screaming than we needed to for a lifetime! Here are some pics of the good moments :-)

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