Adrienne had fun hanging with her cousin Luke. They are just about the same age and very different personalities. Adrienne can be very serious and cautious and Luke is affectionate and busy! They both had a lot of fun. Amy was a trooper being 30 weeks pregnant. She was walking around will all of us doing really well. I was getting tired at times and wondering how she could do it. Playhouse Disney was closed while we were there which was really disappointing. She loves that show!
We did have a couple of mishaps while we were there. Paul broke Adrienne's leg! Yep, the kid prefers him and he breaks her leg. No, just kidding. They went down the slide at the park and she got her leg caught on the side. We took her to Urgent Care but nothing was seriously wrong. The unfortunate thing was that she would not walk for the entire time we were there. The other mishap was Nelly. She is called nervous Nelly for a reason. When we leave town, she tries to escape from the back yard. She got out and luckily the neighbor saw her. He said that he first thought she was a coyote. Too funny. Nelly ended up spending the week with her cousins Gambit and Sammy. Poor Sam stayed home alone. He probably loved it.
A lot of fun, wish I got more pictures of the kids together. Well, that is about all that went on with us. Here are some pics from the trip.